The student services office is located in the upper level of the Hess Administration Building. Students may contact the directors of student services by going to the office during posted office hours or by calling 540-483-7977. Our student service directors are also able to be contacted through the Populi learning management software.

Justin and Rachel Kiefer are the student Life Directors of Blue Ridge Bible College. Their hearts are to provide a safe and fun atmosphere on campus and make students feel like our campus is their "home away from home". Justin Kiefer is a former law enforcement officer and is completing a Master's Degree in Biblical Exposition. Rachel Kiefer is a nurse who holds a Master's Degree of Nursing Administration and is also completing a Master's Degree in Business Administration. Their ministry and career experience together gives them a unique perspective on how to watch out for the physical, spiritual, and emotional needs of our students.
In addition, Blue Ridge Bible College has Student Life Councelors (SLC) that are available for students to assist in education and experience. The SLC is a group of volunteer couples that assist our student services directors with campus and student life issues. They uphold the guidelines on campus, attend to the needs of the student body, and create a safe and welcoming environment on our campus. The members all differ in age, life experience, style, education, and personality. The members of this team meet with students as a group and also plan activities for the students. The names and contact numbers of all student service staff members are provided in the student handbook that is disbursed at the beginning of the Fall semester.

Students at the School of the Prophets learn to live in love and unity. The family atmosphere of the school of the Prophets is one of its greatest strengths. Students experience a strong sense of community as they share their personal lives with each other on a daily basis and with the local community. Students are taught how to minister and given opportunities to reach out to the local community during their time in Rocky Mount.
Housing is provided with sufficient closet space, storage and study areas as well shower and restroom facilities. The surrounding atmosphere provides the opportunity for private study, relaxation, and informal fellowship. Resident dormitory monitors assure a healthy and safe living environment for the students. A weekly dormitory meeting provides the opportunity for students and dorm monitors to pray together and discuss issues and concerns related to dorm life.

A number of planned school activities throughout the year provide an excellent atmosphere for students to build friendships and relationships. These activities include picnics, roller-skating, a camping trip (for second year students), a ski trip and formal Christmas and Senior banquets. Fund raising activities such as car washes and spaghetti dinners also provide an opportunity to help meet expenses and have fun at the same time. Work days are mandatory and are an excellent opportunity to put servanthood into action.
Students are able to take advantage of a wide range of cultural and social recreational opportunities located in local towns and nearby cities as well as enjoy informal on campus social activities. Take a hike to "The Rock" and see the natural beauty of Rocky Mount on a clear day or head to the coffee shop with friends. for the more active students, a challenging game of volleyball, football or baseball at the park may be just the thing you need for a good workout.

Faculty and staff are available to provide counsel to students who need direction in specific areas of their life, both personal and spiritual.
Students who attend the School of the Prophets agree to submit willingly and cheerfully to the leadership of the School and to follow established rules and regulations. The use of alcohol, drugs, and cigarettes is not tolerated and is grounds for dismissal. Male/female relationships are discouraged within the first year of Bible School and are closely monitored in the following years. Students are encouraged and expected to develop good study and work habits. The School is interested in helping students develop good moral character and excellence and as such establish very high standards of conduct and dress.